Making the Invisible Visible

This project explored how digital technology might support the documentation of experiences of participatory arts engagement. During a fourteen session workshop series, we worked with artists, project managers, support workers and participants to explore the integration of digital media capture and presentation technologies into participatory arts workshops, and the implications that this would have for the experiences and practices of key stakeholders involved.

Our work developed insight into the social and practical challenges faced when using digital technology to create documentation of participatory arts. These findings highlight the importance of situating documentation, sense making and re-telling of experiences in sensitive contexts such as participatory arts within the practices of skilled interpreters that are mindful of the complexities involved.

Making the Invisible Visible was conducted in collaboration with Rachel Clarke, Peter Wright and Jane Dudman from Newcastle University; Kate Anderson and the team at Helix Arts; and John McCarthy from University College Cork.


Hook, J., Clarke, R., McCarthy, J., Anderson, K., Dudman, J. & Wright P. Making the Invisible Visible: Design to Support the Documentation of Participatory Arts Experiences. In Proc. of CHI '15, ACM, 2583-2592. Download